2020 |
Thomas Bögel. Digitization strategy and AI as pillars for standardization and quality improvement.
Blog Post, August 2020. [url]
Alena Schmickl, Thomas Bögel, Andrea Giovannini and Matthias Reumann.
Combining NLP and domain knowledge induction into knowledge graphs to automate medical coding.
SwissText 2020. Presentation on Youtube
2017 |
Thomas Bögel, Henrik Matzen.
An end-to-end pipeline for detecting and categorising customer complaints.
SwissText 2017. [website]
2016 |
Thomas Bögel, Evelyn Gius, Janina Jacke, Jannik Strötgen.
From Order to Order Switch: Mediating between Complexity and Reproducibility in the Context of Automated Literary Annotation.
Digital Humanities, 379-382. [abstract]
2015 |
Thomas Bögel and Michael Gertz.
Did I Really Say That? – Combining Machine Learning & Dependency Relations to extract Statements from German News Articles.
International Conference of the German Society for Computational Linguistics and Language Technology (GSCL-2015). University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany. [pdf]
Thomas Bögel, Jannik Strötgen and Michael Gertz.
A Hybrid Approach to Extract Temporal Signals from Narratives.
International Conference of the German Society for Computational Linguistics and Language Technology (GSCL-2015). University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany. [pdf]
Thomas Bögel, Michael Gertz, Evelyn Gius, Janina Jacke, Jan Christoph Meister, Marco Petris and Jannik Strötgen.
Collaborative Text Annotation Meets Machine Learning: heureCLÉA, a Digital Heuristic of Narrative.
In: R. Cordell, I. Galina and L. Romary (eds.): DHCommons journal. Vol. 1, July 2015. [url]
Thomas Bögel and Michael Gertz.
Time will Tell: Temporal Linking of News Stories.
Joint Conference on Digital Libraries 2015 (JCDL 2015). Knoxville, Tennessee, USA. [pdf] [acm]
Evelyn Gius, Janina Jacke, Jan-Christoph Meister, Thomas Bögel, and Jannik Strötgen.
Beyond Pragmatics: Disciplinary Profits of Interdisciplinary Approaches.
DH 2015: Annual Conference of the Alliance of Digital Humanities Organizations. Sydney, Australia.
[pdf] [bibtex]
Thomas Bögel, Marco Petris, Jannik Strötgen, and Michael Gertz.
An End-to-End Integration of Automatic Annotations into CATMA.
Extended abstract for poster presentation.
DHd 2015: Digital Humanities im deutschsprachigen Raum. Graz, Austria, February 23-27, 2015. [pdf]
Thomas Bögel, Michael Gertz, Evelyn Gius, Janina Jacke, Jan Christoph Meister, Marco Petris and Jannik Strötgen.
Gleiche Textdaten, unterschiedliche Erkenntnisziele? Zum Potential vermeintlich widersprüchlicher Zugänge zu Textanalyse.
Extended abstract for presentation.
DHd 2015: 2. Jahrestagung der Digital Humanities im deutschsprachigen Raum, Graz, Austria. [pdf]
Andreas Spitz, Jannik Strötgen, Thomas Bögel, and Michael Gertz.
Terms in Time and Times in Context: A Graph-based Term-Time Ranking Model.
Temporal Web Analytics Workshop. Florence, Italy, May 18, 2015 [pdf] [acm]
2014 |
Thomas Bögel, Jannik Strötgen, and Michael Gertz.
Computational Narratology: Extracting Tense Clusters from Narrative Texts.
9th Edition of the Language Resources and Evaluation Conference (LREC’14), Reykjavic, Iceland, May 21-31, 2014. [pdf] [poster]
Jannik Strötgen, Thomas Bögel, Julian Zell, Ayser Armiti, Tran Van Canh, and Michael Gertz.
Extending HeidelTime for Temporal Expressions Referring to Historic Dates.
9th Edition of the Language Resources and Evaluation Conference (LREC’14), Reykjavic, Iceland, May 21-31, 2014. [pdf] [poster]
2013 |
Thomas Bögel and Anette Frank.
A Joint Inference Architecture for Global Coreference Clustering with Anaphoricity. In: I. Gurevych, C. Biemann and T. Zesch (eds.): Language Processing and Knowledge in the Web, Proceedings of the 25th International Conference, GSCL 2013, Darmstadt, Germany. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 8105, Springer. [ pdf ] [springer ]
Thomas Bögel
A Joint Inference Architecture for Global Coreference Clustering with Anaphoricity. Master’s thesis, 2013. [pdf]
2012 |
Anette Frank, Thomas Bögel, Oliver Hellwig and Nils Reiter.
Semantic Annotation for the Digital Humanities – Using Markov Logic Networks for Annotation Consistency Control. Linguistic Issues in Language Technology, 7, 2012. [pdf]
Talks and Posters
Thomas Bögel, Michael Gertz, Evelyn Gius, Janina Jacke, Jan Christoph Meister, Marco Petris and Jannik Strötgen.
Speaker: Thomas Bögel & Janina Jacke
Gleiche Textdaten, unterschiedliche Erkenntnisziele? Zum Potential vermeintlich widersprüchlicher Zugänge zu Textanalyse. [slides]
DHd 2015: 2. Jahrestagung der Digital Humanities im deutschsprachigen Raum, Graz, Austria.
Janina Jacke, Jan Christoph Meister, Evelyn Gius, Marco Petris, Michael Gertz, Jannik Strötgen and Thomas Bögel (2015):
heureCLÉA. Digitale Heuristik zur Unterstützung geisteswissenschaftlicher MarkUps
Digital Humanities Summit (DH-Summit 2015), Berlin, Germany.
Thomas Bögel, Marco Petris, Jannik Strötgen and Michael Gertz (2015):
An End-To-End Integration of Automatic Annotations into CATMA.
2. Jahrestagung der Digital Humanities im deutschsprachigen Raum (DHd 2015), Graz, Austria. [pdf]
Thomas Bögel, Jannik Strötgen, Christoph Mayer and Michael Gertz (2014):
A Flexible NLP Pipeline for Computational Narratology
1. Jahrestagung der Digital Humanities im deutschsprachigen Raum (DHd 2014), Passau, Germany. [pdf]
Jannik Strötgen, Thomas Bögel and Michael Gertz (2013):
Annotating Temporal Phenomena in Literary Text in the Context of the heureCLÉA Project.
Herrenhausen Conference on the Humanities in the Digital Age, Hannover, Germany. [pdf]
Tutorials and Workshops
Tutorial at DH 2014 in Lausanne
together with Evelyn Gius, Marco Petris and Jannik Strötgen: A Collaborative, Indeterministic and partly Automatized Approach to Text Annotation. [description, pdf]